Pass me a diet and I would fail it in 2 days. I couldn't last more than 2 days of my friend's "magical diet" nor the 3-day Shakeology cleanse. You see, I'm not a dieter in a sense that one would go to the extreme or starving herself.
Here's my confession. I am a snacker. I enjoy eating, I enjoy cooking, I enjoy preparing and making food.
Now here's my principle. I believe in moderation and balance. I enjoy living and tasting life to the fullest.
So why am I doing this?
Well, because after reading and researching what's involved in the program, I know I can make this "dieting" beyond bearable and actually enjoyable. I take it as a challenge to make our meals (me and husband who is not doing the reset) tasty and fulfilling.Second, a friend wanted to do this together with me. Can we say "buddy system"? It's proven to work most of the time. Then just so happen Beachbody was running a sale on the Ultimate Reset kit at that time. Puhfeict!
Now, when you are doing a diet program like this you should have a goal in mind. To be healthier, yes, it is the intention of the program. Personally, I want to get leaner and lower body fat. As you may heard, abs is made in the kitchen.
I don't ask much, just to have less cellulite and so I can show off more muscle tone; just like when I did the filming for Turbo Fire. The only difference between then and now, I don't have the luxury of working out my legs off for 8 hours a day. So I have to do it in the kitchen as supposed to the studio or gym.
The Challenge
- 21 days of guided diet with supplements (Ultimate Reset kits)
- 2 certifications (3 days) and teaching kickboxing classes 3 times a week during the Reset.
I'm not supposed to workout during the Reset, but I always believe that a program as generic as this has allowance for adjustment. No way a 150 pound man eat the same amount as a 110 pound woman per shown in the guidebook. I will do this diet and follow the guide but doing it on my terms. Will I get good result, it remains to be seen on day 21.
The Game Plan
Going into an unknown territory a girl gotta have strategy in order to come out on top. The Program and Nutrition Guide booklet is well designed and easy to read. Pictures are good and appetizing. Choices, choices...It is so easy to sway and get carried away with the selections and varieties presented. But reality is, if you start choosing something foreign, something you are not familiar with or if you choose too many varieties of ingredients, you won't only get confused, you will break your wallet. Decide on making something simple enough for you. If reading the directions already got you into PMS mode then skip that food.
I decided to choose several recipes from the booklet, incorporate a couple recipe from friends, and modify my own cooking. To me it's less complicated and I can carry on the modification if I choose to, beyond the Reset.
Next, grocery shopping. To make it (cooking) more interesting, I introduced 2 new ingredients to the pantry. Quinoa and Coconut oil for cooking. I got the spray coconut oil that way I can simply coat the pan.Quinoa is something new that I never cooked before. People say it's easy so I will give it a go.
I plan to bump up the calories on the days I have to workout (more dense veggies, quinoa, mushrooms, etc.) and perhaps pack myself some of my green juice, just less sweet, to the gym. The fibers in the juice should help settle the hunger.
The Set Up
I wrote down the menu on three papers - Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner - and stick them to the fridge wall for easy look up.The pantry is stocked with ingredients needed for Week 1.
Schedule and supplements are set on a tray on my desk.
I have 1 blender bottle ready for my water + Mineralize.
Food is easy, as expected of week one. I drank water to replace my snacking habit. No work today so I killed time by prepping raw materials for this week food. The supplements are easy to swallow. The pills smell like herbal stuff. Water with the Mineralize reminds me of Evian.
Breakfast: Scrambled Egg (modified)
1 slice whole wheat bread, 3 egg whites 1 yolk scramble with red bell pepper, 1 cup spinach.
Lunch: Veggie Medley Soup
Oma's Indo Dutch version, adding a bit of rotisserie chicken chunks (skinless of course).
Snack: 1 fragrant pear and several black berries
Dinner: Shitake mushroom chicken quinoa, brussel sprouts
My own creation
I'm actually looking forward to tomorrow and cook more quinoa :)
And that's it for Day Uno. No sweat. I went to bed not hungry nor full. On to day two...
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